To make it permanent, open up the user Preferences as described above and add the following (again, with an appending comma if and only if other preferences follow this one): // Set vertical ruler(s) in specified columns

Sublime Text allows you to put a ‘ruler’ at a distance of 80 characters away from the left-hand margin to help you stick to this convention while you code, but it gets turned off each time you close out. If this is NOT the last setting in the file, you should also add a comma at the end of the line:įor programming languages such as Python, it’s good practice to have a maximum of 79 characters per line.Add this line between the two curly brackets.New files should open as tabs in the currently-open windows Add the following to the right-hand side window (the user settings):.This will open a new window with two files open: the default programme settings on the left-hand side and the user settings on the right-hand side (both files will be called “Preferences.sublime-settings”) Go to Sublime Text > Preferences > Settings.If the default behaviour is for Sublime Text to open files in new windows as opposed to the existing windows you have open, you can change this as follows: It can be disabled by going to System Preferences > Keyboard > Text > deselect “Add period with double-space” on the right. This is a Sierra thing, not a Sublime Text thing.
On macOS Sierra the default behaviour is for a full stop to be added when the space bar is pressed twice. To do this, right-click a file in Finder > Get Info > under “Open with:” find “Sublime Text” in the dropdown menu > click “Change All…” > Continue. In order to be able to open a file in Sublime Text by double-clicking it you need to make Sublime Text the default editor for its file type. You can open a file in Sublime Text from the terminal with: sublime